The Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University has achieved accreditation from the National Authority for Quality Assurance and Accreditation of Education (NAQAAE), following the approval of the NAQAAE board meet
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Faculty of Engineering Managers 1935 – 1972 Ibraheem El Demerdash 3/52 – 11/1952 Othman Fahmy 11/50 – 9/1952 Shafeek Abd El Rahman 3/45 – 6/1946 Abd El Rahman
Faculty of Engineering Deans Sharl Andria 8/35 – 8/1937 Abd El Rahman El Sawy 8/37 – 6/1964 Shafeek Abd El Rahman 6/46 – 11/1952 Ibraheem El Demerdash 11/52 –
Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University team earned eighth place among the 44 team in the World Championship for the Shell Eco-friendly cars “Shell Eco-Marathon” held in the Philippines from Februa