Assignment 2

Research in Architecture


You are required to search for an interesting research example in the field of architecture (only architecture), summarize and report what you find. The research example could be a discovery of some sort, a theory, or an experiment that have been already conducted and published. Pick a simple example that clearly demonstrates how research is useful to architecture. 


  1. Practice the search process
  2. Practice the selection process from the search
  3. Understand research methodology
  4. Ability to understand research conclusions

Requirements & Format:

One page summary that includes the following subtitles:

  1. Description: Brief description of the research project including the main conclusion
  2. Research Attributes: Describe the research attributes shown in the example
  3. Research Methodology: Describe the research methodology shown in the example
  4. References: List the references used in your report

Do not forget to write your name.

You should be ready to make an oral presentation if asked in class.

Submission due: 

At the beginning of lecture 4 in week 4


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This page last revised: 09/05/03