Ahmed M. Badawi, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of: Systems & Biomedical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University, Egypt
E-mail: ambadawi@eng.cu.edu.eg, ambadawi99@hotmail.com
Mobile: +20101699346, +20101478175
Name: Ahmed M. Badawi
Birth: 11, June, 1967
Faculty Address:
Telephone: Mobile +20101699346, +20101478175
Faculty 202-5703426
E-Mail: ambadawi@eng.cu.edu.eg, ambadawi99@hotmail.com
Marital Status: Married
Foreign Languages: English (Distinction R/W/S), French (Good R/W/S).
1996 Ph.D.
Systems and Biomedical Engineering,
Ph.D. thesis titled, ”Quantitative techniques and algorithms for ultrasound tissue characterization of liver diseases”.
Systems and Biomedical Engineering,
M.Sc. thesis titled, ”Sonoelasticity imaging in recognition of diffuse liver diseases”, The M.Sc. courses grade was distinction in 1991 (Unique record since they opened the department).
B.Sc. Systems
and Biomedical Engineering,
With Distinction grade and honor degree. The degree for the B.Sc. project titled, “Ultrasound velocity in diagnosis of cervical incompetence”, was distinction with honor degree.
2001- Associate Professor
Systems and Biomedical Engineering,
1996-2001 Assistant Professor
Systems and Biomedical Engineering,
1997-2000 Visiting Professor
of Electrical Engineering,
1999-2001 Visiting Professor
of computer sciences, Faculty of computer sciences and informatics,
1993-1996 Teaching Assistant
Systems and Biomedical Engineering,
1990-1993 Teaching instructor
Systems and Biomedical Engineering,
2004 Cairo University and Faculty of Engineering Honors for Cairo Encouraging Award for Research in Celebration of Engineering Graduates (2004)
2003 Best applied research for implementation from department of applied
2002 Cairo University Award for Engineering Research from
2002 Government Honor & Medal for Research in Celebration of Science Feast
2002 Egyptian TV & Broadcast Programs Honor for Awards and Excellence in Research such as:
(Ya Television Ya By Ramsis, Channel 1, Egy Satellite Channel)
(Amany We Aghany By Ahmed Mokhta, Channel 1)
(Olamaa Men Balady By Azza Darweesh, Channel 1,3)
(AlElm Nour)
(Elgaeza We Sahebha)
1995 Instructor courses for educational preparation was distinction with honor.
1991 MSC courses were graded distinction with the highest department record.
1990 BSC, Distinction with Honor Degree for the five years.
1987 Awarded (First of my class) a free travel to
1985 Secondary School Honor (Rank of 50/200000 students).
Undergraduate courses:
Signals & Information Theory
Instrumentation I
Instrumentation II
Instrumentation III
Instrumentation VI
Graduate courses:
Image Processing
Fuzzy Systems
topics in Biomedical Engineering
Imaging, 3D/4D Ultrasound scanning, reconstruction, visualization, and
measurements, Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, Neural Networks, Fuzzy
Logic, Medical Classification, Biometrics, Intelligent Systems, Medical
Software Workstations.
program for color mapping of textural parameters
and its application in tissue characterization”
image formats and DICOM 3.0”
segmentation based on Fuzzy logic algorithms”
segmentation based on k-means and hopffield neural network”
segmentation based on Kohonen neural networks”
segmentation based on k-voting and back propagation neural
network algorithms”
volume and surface rendering”
guided endoscopic navigation ”
of bladder outlet obstruction (BOO) using pattern recognition techniques”
flattening and brain 3D registration”
MRI image segmentation for flattening”
segmentation based on genetic algorithms”
reconstruction and navigation of biological organs”
features segmentation for medical images using fuzzy logic”
recognition based on principal component analysis”
Networks face recognition based on geometrical
print recognition”
of finger print scanner”
image processing”
deformable models”
blood vessel visualization and endoscopic trocar positioning”
Maxillo-facial surgery software package”
reconstruction and visualization"
“3D measurements in ultrasonography”
print enhancement and verification”
automatic hand geometry system s/w design”
ultrasound reconstruction and visualization s/w design”
ultrasound mechanical movers(linear, rotational and fan) design”
verification s/w”
verification s/w”
geometry verification system”
facial surgery”
endoscopic navigation system”
endoscopic navigation system”
"4D Echocardiographic scanning, reconstruction, visualization, and measurements"
"4D Echocardiographic deformation patterns for diagnosis of heart diseases"
"3D Ultrasound simulation for guided needle biopsy"
"Freestyle hand geometry verification"
"Automatic chromosomes separation and classification"
"Automatic chromosomes abnormalities diagnosis"
"Design of
a compact hand vein verification system"
Separation & Classification."
Ventricle Boundary Extraction using Neural Networks'
detection using NN"
segment detection using NN"
detection using Fuzzy logic and NN"
diagnosis using Fuzzy logic"
diagnosis using non parametric classification techniques and NN"
Tissue Characterization:A quantitative Ultrasound Image Approach"
contouring based on Hoppfield network"
Network for medical diagnosis"
Ultrasound Measurements"
outlet obstruction diagnosis using Fuzzy similarity measures"
outlet obstruction diagnosis using K-means, MLPBN
in Neural Networks"
MRI registeration and active contours"
"3D MRI flattening for Fmri"
"Neural networks-fuzzy logic chromosomes classification"
"Template matching for diagnosis of chromosomal structural and numerical abnormalities"
Images Clustering Based on PCA and FCM, KOHONEN NN"
Similarity Measures for Hand Geometry Verification"
Measures for Hand Geometry Verification"
Geometry Images Clustering"
Classification based on geodesic measures and Kohonen NN"
Classification based on geodesic measures and Fuzzy C-means"
detection algorithms"
features Localization"
in Finger print enhancement"
features detection using PCNN"
contours for facial features detection"
"Stock market prediction using NN"
"Stock market prediction using multivariate analysis"
"Isolated words voice recognition"
"Stock Market Prediction Using Neural Networks and Multivariate Regression Models"
"Chromosomes abnormality diagnosis"
"New classifiers for hand geometry verifications"
"3D Cardiac Dynamic Modeling"
"Automatic diagnosis for numerical and
structural chromosomes abnormalities"
"Quantitative identification of bladder
outlet obstruction: A neural networks approach"
Pattern Recognition
“Face Detection using PCA & Neural Networks”
"Finite element analysis for RF ablation: an invivo study"
Imaging & Pattern Recognition
Endoscopic virtual navigation”
”Hand geometry verification”
“Wavelet segmentation for fetal
ultrasound images”
independent ultrasound imaging for tissue characterization of liver
"3D Ultrasound Elastography"
“4D Echocardiographic Imaging System”
"Automatic separation and classification
for chromosome images"
"Hand Identification System for Freestyle Hand"
"Ultrasonic Speckle Reduction Using Neural Networks and Fuzzy Image
“Hand Veins Verification System”
MRI Reconstruction, Visualization, and measurement System for Tumor Growth
Signal Separation for Ultrasound Speckle Reduction”
IEEE, Midwest Symposium on Circuits & System, Biomedical Engineering, Biometric, and Medical Informatics, 46TH Conference, 2003 track chair and Medical Imaging session Co-chairman.
IETA, International Conference on Industrial Electronics, Technology and Automation, 2001 session chairman.
Conference on Clinical Engineering, Safety and Radiation,
Arab Health 2001 IBETECHNOLOGIES company group chairman
IEEE, Midwest Symposium on Circuits & System, Biomedical Engineering, Biometric, and Medical Informatics track chairman
IEEE Medical Imaging Transaction eviewer
Alexandria Journal of Engineering reviewer
Cairo Journal of Engineering reviewer
Reviewer for over 20 MSC thesis
Examined several BSC, MSC, and PHD projects and thesis for many faculties and for over 300 thesis/projects.
Egyptian Biomedical Netwrok
Egyptian Technology Network
SonoPortal Network of Kretz-GE
Egyptian Engineering Syndicate
I have taken a 3 months training at
I was assigned a lecturer assistant job at
I supervised projects in the field of computerized diagnosis, image processing, and speech processing and medical filing systems.
I Participated in establishing and managing the first unit for
tissue characterization in
I worked for a year in IBM scientific center in
1992-1997 I headed a department of computer at El-Emara Architectural office for consultations and touristic residential projects, where I was involved in developing a programs for managing a touristic villages and a database system for controlling the financial and construction status of our projects.
I worked as a visiting professor to
I worked as a visiting professor to
1998-2004 I am heading a medical imaging solutions Dept. at International Electronics Medical Division (www.ibetech..com) where I developed 3D ultrasound system, 3D visualization, and archiving systems.
1997-2000 I was a visiting professor at Military technical college where I supervised several projects and thesis there.
I was a visiting professor at Department of computer sciences, Faculty of computer
sciences and informatics,
1997- Till now I was volunteer research associate working at Urology & Nephrology Center, Mansoura University (With Dr. Mohamed Ghoneim) to assist them in computerized diagnosis for prostate and bladder outlet obstruction diseases.
1998-1999 I was a consultant for ministry of culture, the higher council of antiquities for project computerization and automation.
1997-1998 I was a supervisor and co-establisher for center for advanced software and biomedical equipment consultation. I supervised training courses for WHO engineers from different Arabic countries.
1996-Till now
Member at Systems and Biomedical Engineering Department,
Gamma cameras tender evaluation committee for national tumor institute
MRI description/specification/pricing
committee for new and old machines replacement at
Computers hardware/software specs/tender committee for center for programming and biomedical consultation center
Automating project sector committee at high council of monuments and antiquities, ministry of culture
Lecturing committee at national biophysics branch of the high academy of
Ain-shams medical school, endoscopy unit tender evaluation committee.
Tumor center,
committee (Chief) for liver center tenders for medical equipment and a member
of the high committee for establishing the liver center, 6th
for evaluating old chemical analyzers and medical equipments at King FAHD
urology unit,
member at various legal cases related to medical equipment (Cases at the
general councilor of
international hospital evaluation committee in cooperation with the
postgraduate and research center, Faculty of Engineering.
of applied research unit at
Aswan Teaching Hospital High Court Case (Development Reception and Emergency Unit of the Hospital )
International Electronics, Medical Division
IBE technologies (
Tetrad (
1998-2003 FREE3D, “3D Ultrasound Workstation System", International Biomedical Engineering Technologies(IBE).
FREE3D, “3D Ultrasound System on Newsonics & SOLO 2D Machine", (IBE).
MAG3D, “3D Ultrasound Workstation System", (IBE).
QUANTUS, ”Quantitative Tissue Characterization and Archiving Workstation”, (IBE).
1998- 2002 Hando-IT, “Automatic Hand Geometry-Texture Verification System”.
BCUAKS, "Biomedical
All the research projects supervised were in C/C++/OpenGl/MATLAB Development Environment under WINDOWS
1991 Tissue Characterization Unit from USAID (Research Member)
2.5 M$
Automatic Karyotyping System Grant from
50000 $
3D Reconstruction, Visualization, and Measurement Workstation, from
1- A.
M. Youssef, A. A. Sharawi, A. M. Badawi, ”Ultrasound Velocity in Cervix
Uteri for the Diagnosis of Cervical Incompetence”, In Proceedings of
IEEE Ultrasonics Symposium, 1990.
2- Abou-Bakr
M. Youssef, Amr A. Sharawi, Ahmed M. Badawi, Fawzi Y. M, M. A. Nossier
”Ultrasnongraphic Criteria for the Diagnosis of Incompetence of the Cervix
Uteri”, In Proceedings of 6th International Congress in
Ultrasound Sept.,
3- Y. M.
Kadah, Aly A. Farag, A. M. Badawi, Abou-Bakr M. Youssef, ”Automatic
Tissue Characterization from Ultrasound Imagery”, In Proceedings of
Intelligent robots and computer vision, Algorithms and techniques, SPIE, 1993.
4- Y. M.
Kadah, Aly A. Farag, A. M. Badawi, Abou-Bakr M. Youssef, ”Statistical and
Neural Classifiers for Ultrasound Tissue Characterization”, In Proceedings
of Artificial Neural Networks in Engineering (ANNIE’93), 1993.
5- A.
M. Youssef, A. M. Badawi, ”Tissue Characterization of Diffuse Liver Diseases
Using Neural Nets”, Annual meeting of Egyptian Society of hepatology &
gastroentreology, 1993.
6- A.
M. Youssef, A. M. Badawi, ”Effect of Static Compression on the Acoustical
and Textural Parameters of the Liver with Correlation to Diffuse Diseases”,
Annual meeting of Egyptian Society of hepatology & gastroentreology, 1993.
7- A. M.
Youssef, A. M. Badawi,”Improved B-Scan Images Using Ultrasound Average
Attenuation with Correlation to Diffuse Liver Diseases”, Annual meeting of
Egyptian Society of hepatology & gastroentreology, 1993.
A. M. Badawi, Salim M. Emara, Abou-Bakr M.
Youssef, ”Ultrasound Tissue Characterization of Diffuse Liver Diseases Using
Fuzzy Rules”, In Proceedings of International Fuzzy Systems and Intelligent
Control Conf. (IFSIC),
9- Y. M. Kadah, Aly A. Farag, A. M. Badawi, Abou-Bakr
M. Youssef, ”Statistical and Neural Classifiers for Ultrasound Tissue
Characterization”, In Proceedings of Intelligent systems through Neural
Networks (ANNIE), Vol. 5, C. Dagli, 1994.
10- A. M. Badawi, Salim M. Emara, Abou-Bakr M.
Youssef, ”Fuzzy Reasoning in Ultrasound Tissue Characterization of Diffuse
Liver Diseases”, In Proceedings of International Conference of Electronics,
Circuits & Systems (ICECS) IEEE, Ohio State Univ., 1994.
11- Salim M. Emara, A. M. Badawi, Abou-Bakr M.
Youssef, ”Fuzzy Similarity Measures for Ultrasound Tissue Characterization
”, In Proceedings of Nonlinear Image Processing, SPIE, 1995.
12- A. M. Badawi, A. M. Hashem,
A. S. Derbala, A. Hendawi, A. M. Youssef, M. F. Abdelwahab,
”Ultrasonographic tissue signature for shistosomal liver and other related
liver and other related liver pathologies”, In Proceedings of IEEE
Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics & Frequency Control Symposium 1995.
13- A. M. Badawi, A. M. Hashem, Abou-Bakr M. Youssef,
M. F. Abdelwahab, ”Invivo Quantification of motion in liver parenchyma and
its application in shistosomiasis tissue characterization ”, In Proceedings
of Nonlinear Image Processing, SPIE’95 International Symposium, 1995.
14- A. M. Badawi, A. M. Hashem, Abou-Bakr M. Youssef,
M. F. Abdelwahab, ”Ultrasonographic Tissue Characterization via motion
analysis in shistosomal liver and other related liver pathologies”,
International Conf. on Shistosomiasis (SRP), 1995.
15- A. M. Badawi, A. M. Hashem, Abou-Bakr M. Youssef,
M. F. Abdelwahab, ”Ultrasonographic Tissue Characterization of shistosomal
pathologies: preliminary results”, International Conf. on Shistosomiasis (SRP),
16- A. M. Badawi, A. M. Hashem, Abou-Bakr M. Youssef,
M. F. Abdelwahab, ”Ultrasonographic Tissue Characterization via computerized
motion analysis in shistosomal liver and other related liver pathologies”,
Kasr Elaini Medical Congress Conf. 1995.
17- A. M. Badawi, A. M. Hashem, Ali El Hendawi, Nabil
El Kady, Abou-Bakr M. Youssef, M. F. Abdelwahab, ”Computer Aided
Ultrasonographic Tissue Characterization of Different liver pathologies
Preliminary Results”, Kasr Elaini Medical Congress Conf. 1995.
A. M. Badawi,
Salim M. Emara, Abou-Bakr M. Youssef, ”Ultrasound Tissue Characterization of
Diffuse Liver Diseases Using Fuzzy Rules”, International Congress of
ultrasonography, Cairo, in collaboration with Gastroentreology &
Hepatology Dept., Hannover University-Germany, April, 1996.
19- A. M.
Badawi, A. M. Hashem, A. S.
Derbala, A. Hendawi, A. M. Youssef, M. F. Abdelwahab, ”Ultrasonographic
Tissue Signature for shistosomal liver and other related liver and Other
Related Liver Pathologies”, International Congress of ultrasonography,
Cairo, in collaboration with Gastroentreology & Hepatology Dept., Hannover
University-Germany, April, 1996.
20- Ahmed M. Badawi, Mohamed Salah, Ashraf Omar,
Abou-Bakr M. Youssef and Mohamed .
Abdel-Wahab,”Sono-elasticity Imaging of Focal Lesions in Liver”,
International Congress of ultrasonography, Cairo, in collaboration with
Gastroentreology & Hepatology Dept., Hannover University-Germany, April,
21- Y. M. Kadah, Aly A. Farag, Jacek M. Zurada ,A. M.
Badawi, Abou-Bakr M. Youssef, “Classification Algorithms for Quantitative
Tissue Characterization of Diffuse Liver Disease from Ultrasound Images”,
International Congress of ultrasonography, Cairo, in collaboration with
Gastroentreology & Hepatology Dept. , Hannover University-Germany, April,
22- Abou-Bakr M. Youssef, Amr A. Sharawi, Ahmed M.
Badawi,”Ultrasound Tissue Characterization Using Static Compression and
Neural Network” , International Congress of ultrasonography, Cairo, in
collaboration with Gastroentreology & Hepatology Dept., Hannover
University-Germany, April, 1996.
23- Y. M.
Kadah, Aly A. Farag, Jacek M. Zurada , A. M. Badawi, Abou-Bakr M. Youssef,
“Classification Algorithms for Quantitative Tissue Characterization of
Diffuse Liver Disease from Ultrasound Images”, IEEE Transaction on Medical
Imaging Journal, August, 1996.
24- A. M. Badawi, A. M. Youssef
”Texture Feature Classification of Liver Sonography Using Fuzzy
Similarity Measures”, In Proceedings of IEEE, ICESC
Symposium, Dec. 1997.
25- A. M.
Badawi, Ayman Khalifa, A. M. Youssef ”Quantitative
Tissue Characterization Program, Computing and Color-Mapping of Ultrasound
Parameters for Computerized diagnosis of liver Pathologies”, In Proceedings
of IEEE, ICESC Symposium, Dec.
26- Ahmed
M. Badawi, Ahmed S. Derbala and Abou-Bakr M. Youssef, "Fuzzy logic
algorithm for quantitative tissue characterization of diffuse liver diseases
from ultrasound images," International Journal of Medical Informatics
55-2 pp. 135-147, 1999.
27- A.M.Badawi, A.M. Salah-ElDein ,”Segmentation of
MR Brain Images : A Fuzzy Logic Approach”, ANNIE (Artificial Neural Networks
in Engineering), ASME, In Proceedings of : Smart engineering system design:
Neural Networks, Fuzzy Logic, Evolutionary Programming, Data Mining, and
Complex Systems, Nov. 1999.
28- A. M. Badawi
“Textural Segmentation of MR Brain Images Using Fuzzy Logic
Algorithms”, In Proceedings of 2nd International Conference for
Electrical Engineering ICEENG (
29- A. M. Badawi, S. E. Shouman, Yasser M. Salman
“Correction Effects of Machine Dependency on the Textural Parameters
of Ultrasound Images”, In Proceedings of 2nd International
Conference for Electrical Engineering ICEENG (Military Tech.
30- A. M.
Badawi, S. E. Shouman, Yasser M. Salman “A
Protocol for Correction of Machine Dependency for Ultrasound Imaging”, In
Proceedings of 2nd International Conference for Electrical
Engineering ICEENG (Military Tech.
31- Bassem
S. Wadie, Ahmed M. Badawi, , El-Husseiny Ibrahim, Jean J.M.C.H.de La Rosette,
Abdelemenem El-Sharakawy, Nermine Elkkalla, Mohamed A Ghoneim “I-PSS score
and its correlation to objective parameters in diagnosis of BOO (Bladder
Outlet Obstruction), a prospective study”, Egyptian Urology Association
Symposium, 2000.
32- Bassem S. Wadie, Ahmed M. Badawi, and Mohamed A
Ghoneim “The myth of prostate symptom scores, a look at the future”.
British Urology Association Symposium 2000.
33- Bassem
S. Wadie, Ahmed M. Badawi, and Mohamed A Ghoneim “The Relationship of
International Prostate Symptom Score and Objective Parameters for
Diagnosing Bladder Outlet Obstruction: Part II: The Potential Usefulness
of Artificial Neural Networks”, American Journal of Urology, Vol.
165, 35-37, January 2001.
34- Nourhan
M. Zayed, Ahmed M. Badawi, Alaa Elsayed, Mohamed S. Elsherif, Abou-Bakr M.
Youssef, ”Wavelet Segmentation for Fetal Ultrasound Images”, In
Proceedings of IEEE Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems, MWSCAS 2001.
35- Mohamed A. El Mahdy, Mohamed K. Shahin, Ahmed M.
Badawi ”A Prototype for 3D Ultrasound Scanning and Reconstruction”, In
Proceedings of IEEE, International Conference on Industrial Electronics,
Technology and Automation IETA2001.
36- R. Elsayed, T. A. Youssef, A. M. Badawi,
”Localization of Face Features Using Pulse-Coupled Neural Network and Active
Contour”, In Proceedings of IEEE, International Conference on Industrial
Electronics, Technology and Automation IETA, December, 2001.
37- Ahmed M. Badawi, Mohamed M. Elmahdy, Khaled
Elsayed, ”A low-Cost and Pc-Based Automatic Hand Geometry Verification
System”, In Proceedings of IEEE, International Conference on Industrial
Electronics, Technology and Automation IETA, December, 2001.
38- Mohamed
K. Shahin, A. M. Badawi, M. S. kamel, ”On-Line,
Low-Cost and Pc-Based Fingerprint Verification System Based on
Solid-State Capacitance Sensor”, In Proceedings of IEEE, International
Conference on Industrial Electronics, Technology and Automation IETA,
December, 2001.
39- Laila A., Ashraf O. Abdelaziz, Ahmed M. Badawi,
Ahmed M. Salama, A. M. Youssef, “Sonographic Tissue Signature of Bright
Liver”, KASR El-AINI Medical Journal, Vol. 7, No. 4, pp. 311-336, December
40- Nourhan
M. Zayed, Ahmed M. Badawi, Alaa Elsayed, Mohamed
41- Bassem S. Wadie, Ahmed M. Badawi, Mohamed M.
Ghoneim, ”BOOT diagnosis using objective parameters”, In Proceedings of
American Urology Association Conference 2002.
42- Ahmed
M. Badawi, Mohamed A. El-Mahdy, and Emam-Elhak A. Aly,
"4D-Echocardiographic System for Wall Motion and Cardiac Parameters
Quantification," In Proceedings of The 46th IEEE International Midwest
Symposium on Circuits and Systems (MWSCAS), 2003.
43- Ahmed M. Badawi, Kahled G. Hasan, Emam-Elhak A.
Aly, and Rimon A. Messiha, "Chromosomes Classification Based on Neural
Networks, Fuzzy Rule Based, and Template Matching Classifiers," In
Proceedings of The 46th IEEE International Midwest Symposium on Circuits and
Systems (MWSCAS), 2003.
44- Ahmed M. Badawi and Mohamed S. Kamel, "Free
Style Hand Geometry Verification System," In Proceedings of The 46th IEEE
45- Ahmed M. Badawi,
"Osteoporosis Classification Using Fuzzy Rule Based and Neural
Networks," In Proceedings of The 46th IEEE International
46- Ahmed M. Badawi and Mohamed A. El-Mahdy,
"Path Planning Simulation for 3D Ultrasound Guided Needle Biopsy
System," In Proceedings of The 46th IEEE International
47- Nourhan
M. Zayed, Ahmed M. Badawi, Alaa Elsayed, Mohamed
48- Ahmed M. Badawi, Manal Abdel-Wahed, Bassem S.
Wadie, and Shimaa Imbaby, "Diagnosis of Bladder Outlet Obstruction By
Quantitative Features Using Neural Networks", Ain Shams 2nd
International Conference on Electronics, Circuits & Systems, 2004.
49- Yasser Salman, Ahmed M. Badawi, et al "Brain
Tumor Segmentation", In Proceedings of 7nd International
Conference for Electrical Engineering ICEENG (Military Tech.
50- Yasser Salman, Ahmed M. Badawi, et al "Accurate
MRI Volumetry For Tracking Brain Tumors", In Proceedings of 7nd International
Conference for Electrical Engineering ICEENG (Military Tech.
51- Yasser Salman, Ahmed M. Badawi, et al "Volumetric Calculations of Segmented Brain Tumors", In Proceedings of 2nd Cairo International Biomedical Engineering Conference CIBEC, 2004.
52- Yasser Salman, M. A. Assal, Ahmed M. Badawi, et al "New Automatic Technique For Tracking Brain Tumor Response", In Proceedings of The First UAE International Conference on Biological and Medical Physics, 2005 and International Journal of Scientific Research.
53- Yasser Salman, Ahmed M. Badawi, et al "Validation Techniques for Quantitative Brain Tumors Measurements ", European Medical & Biological Engineering Conference (EMBEC) 2005.
1- MAG3D
“ 3D Ultrasound Workstation System”, International Biomedical
Engineering Technologies(IBE), Egyptian Ministry Council, Copy Right
No:- 993/10 dated
“ 3D Ultrasound Workstation System”, International Biomedical
Engineering Technologies(IBE), Egyptian Ministry Council, Copy Right
No:- 993/10 dated
QUANTUS ”Quantitative
Tissue Characterization and Archiving Workstation”, International
Biomedical Engineering Technologies(IBE). Egyptian Ministry
Council, Copy Right No:- 1047/10 dated
Hando-IT, “Automatic
Hand Geometry-Texture Verification System”
More than 100 research project reports for undergraduate,
postgraduate, MSC, and PHD reports and thesis.
1990-2004 Over 1500 students where I have taught them undergraduate/postgraduate regular courses and supervised their BSC project in my department and other departments, and other faculties
1996-2004 Over 300 research participant students (
Dr. Abou Bakr. M. Youssef,
Dr. Mohamed Emad Rasmy,
Dr. Mohamed Abdelhamid Rashwan,
Dr. Abdallah Said Ahmed,
Dr. Ahmed S. AbouTaleb, Systems & Biomedical Engineering Dept. (ataleb@mcit.gov.eg)
Dr. Yasser M. Kadah, Systems & Biomedical Engineering Dept., Georgia Tech Emury (ykadah@ieee.org)
Dr. Mohamed S. Kamel, Systems & Biomedical Engineering Dept.
Dr. Mohamed Mahfouz, Oak ridge lab, University of Tennessee Knoxville
Dr. Richard Komistek, University of Tennessee Knoxville
Dr. Ahmed M. Abdelnabie,
Dr. Helmy Mahran,
Dr. Amr A. Sharawi, Systems & Biomedical Engineering Dept.
Dr. Ahmed S. Ismail, Systems & Biomedical Engineering Dept.
Dr. Ahmed M. Derbala, Systems & Biomedical Engineering Dept.
Dr. Mohamed Ghoneim,
Dr. Bassem S. Waddie,
Dr. Ashraf Omar,
Dr. Ahmed M. Hashem,
Dr. Ahmed M. Salama,
Dr. Mervat Alansari, Clinical Pathology Dept. Cairo Medical school.
Dr. Salah Elian,
Mohamed Shooman,
Mohamed Saad Elsherif, Egyptian Research Institute (ERI)
Dr. Samia Mashaly, Egyptian Research Institute (ERI)